20 Jobs als Application Engineer (m/w/d) in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) - Promotionsstelle
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Weitere Informationen Die Einstellung erfolgt im Beschäftigtenverhältnis. Die Stelle ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen und befristet bis zum 31.12.2028. Die befristete Beschäftigung erfolgt im Rahmen der Befristungsmöglichkeiten des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes. Es handelt sich um eine Teilzeitstelle mit Dreiviertel der regelmäßigen Wochenarbeitszeit. Bei geeigneter Qualifikation besteht die Möglichkeit, eine Vollzeitstelle mit Lehrtätigkeit zu ermöglichen. Eine Promotionsmöglichkeit besteht. Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach dem TV-L. Die Stelle ist bewertet mit EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil Der Lehrstuhl für Algebra und Zahlentheorie an der RWTH Aachen University befasst sich in Forschung und Lehre mit algebraischen Strukturen, ihren Darstellungen, ihren rechnerischen und algorithmischen Aspekten und ihren Anwendungen z.B. innerhalb der Mathematik, in den Naturwissenschaften und im Ingenieurswesen. Ihr Profil Voraussetzung für die Einstellung ist ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Master oder vergleichbar) in Mathematik oder einem ähnlichem Fachbereich. Idealerweise haben Sie ein solides Grundwissen in kommutativer Algebra und Gröbner-Basen sowie Erfahrung in der Verwendung von Computer-Algebra-Systemen und Programmierkenntnisse. Sie zeichnen sich aus durch Selbstständigkeit, Eigeninitiative, strukturierte Arbeitsweise und besitzen sehr gute Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit. Ihre Aufgaben - Durchführung von mathematischen Forschungsarbeiten auf den Gebieten kommutativer Algebra, Differenzenalgebra, Computeralgebra - Veröffentlichung von Forschungsergebnissen und Präsentationen auf Konferenzen - aktive Mitwirkung im SFB/TRR 195 ("Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application") - Implementation von Methoden im Computeralgebra-System OSCAR - gegebenenfalls Anleitung von studentischen Hilfskräften   Teilzeit-Informationen Bei geeigneter Qualifikation besteht die Möglichkeit, eine Vollzeitstelle mit Lehrtätigkeit zu ermöglichen. Über uns Die RWTH ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Die RWTH bietet im Rahmen eines Universitären Gesundheitsmanagements eine Vielzahl von Gesundheits-, Beratungs- und Präventionsangeboten (z. B. Hochschulsport) an. Für Tarifbeschäftigte und Beamtinnen und Beamte besteht ein umfangreiches Weiterbildungsangebot und die Möglichkeit, ein Jobticket zu erwerben. Die Stellenausschreibung richtet sich an alle Geschlechter. Wir wollen an der RWTH Aachen University besonders die Karrieren von Frauen fördern und freuen uns daher über Bewerberinnen. Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern sie in der Organisationseinheit unterrepräsentiert sind und sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Bewerbungen geeigneter schwerbehinderter Menschen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Im Sinne der Gleichbehandlung bitten wir Sie, auf ein Bewerbungsfoto zu verzichten. Informationen zur Erhebung personenbezogener Daten nach Artikeln 13 und 14 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) finden Sie unter https://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Systemadministrator*in für die EDV-Station (m/w/d)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche FakultätSystemadministrator*in für die EDV-StationAbteilung Mathematik | Department Mathematik/Informatik Wir sind eine der größten und ältesten Universitäten Europas und gehören zu den größten Arbeitgeber*innen in unserer Region. Durch unser breites Fächerspektrum, die dynamische Entwicklung unserer Forschungsschwerpunkte und unseren Standort mitten in Köln sind wir attraktiv für Studierende und Forschende weltweit. Wir bieten vielfältige Karrierechancen in Wissenschaft, Technik und Verwaltung. Die Abteilung Mathematik des Departments Mathematik/ Informatik sucht zum nächst möglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n Systemadministrator*in für ihre EDV-Station.   IHRE AUFGABEN Administration der MS-Windows und Linux IT Serverund Client-Systeme der Abteilung Mathematik sowie Tätigkeit als einer der Netzwerkbeauftragten dieser Abteilung Modernisierung und Pflege der WWW-Homepage der Abteilung und fallweise Erstellung von Datenbankabfragen Planung, Konzeption, Bereitstellung und Pflege der verschiedenen Infrastrukturdienste auf Basis von Windows und/oder Linux Server-Systemen, Ausführung von Hardware-Wartungen sowie Erstellung betriebsrelevanter Dokumentationen Unterstützung bei verschiedenen IT-Projekten und Migrationen Mitarbeit bei der Ausbildung von Mathematisch-technischen Softwareentwickler*innen (Matse) durch das Department (und damit die Bereitschaft bei der IHK die entsprechende Weiterbildung zu machen) Beteiligung an der akademischen Selbstverwaltung   IHR PROFIL ein abgeschlossenes Studium in Informatik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder einem technischen Studiengang mit IT-Bezug oder eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im IT- ereich und entsprechende umfassende praktische Berufserfahrung praktische Fertigkeiten im Umgang mit Hardware, wie z.B. Montage, Reparatur und Optimierung von Servern/PCs Erfahrung im Bereich der Systemadministration von Windows- und Linux-Servern (idealerweise Berufserfahrung im IT-Bereich, z.B. als System- oder Netzwerkadministrator*in, System Engineer, Application Manager, Datenbankadministrator*in, etc.) Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Web- und Datenbankadministration ausgeprägte Servicementalität Beratungskompetenz von Vorteil   WIR BIETEN IHNEN ein vielfältiges und chancengerechtes Arbeitsumfeld Unterstützung bei der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, teilbare Vollzeitstellen umfangreiches Weiterbildungsangebot Angebote im Rahmen des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements Möglichkeit zur mobilen Arbeit   Die Universität zu Köln fördert Chancengerechtigkeit und Vielfalt. Bewerbungen von Frauen werden nach Maßgabe des LGG NRW bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Wir begrüßen ausdrücklich alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Die Stelle ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Vollzeit (39,83 Wochenstunden) zu besetzen. Sie ist unbefristet. Sofern die entsprechenden tariflichen und persönlichen Voraussetzungen vorliegen, richtet sich die Vergütung nach der Entgeltgruppe 11 TV-L.   Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit Ihren aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen inkl. beigefügten Nachweisen für die gesuchten Qualifikationen ohne Bewerbungsfoto online unter: https://jobportal.uni-koeln.de. Die Kennziffer ist TUV2501-10. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 28.02.2025. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Dirk Horstmann unter dhorst@math.uni-koeln.de und schauen Sie in unsere FAQs.

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Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) - PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of one year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications Experimental investigation of aging effects on the single cell and stack test bench. Analysis of aging data using AI and Big Data approaches Development of aging models for lifetime prediction and for model predictive control Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) - PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications Modeling and (3D CFD) simulation, especially of: Flow fields and gas distribution. Optimization of the bipolar plate Water transport phenomena within the fuel cell and the membrane electrode assembly Ice formation during cold start Validation of simulation at the single cell and stack test bench. Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD students for "Research and Development in the Field of Optical Flow Diagnostics" (TME 129_241100)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension up to 4 years is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil - University degree (Master or equivalent) in mechanical engineering or physics with a focus on "thermodynamics", "fluid mechanics", "optics" or equivalent - Good knowledge of fluid mechanics - Experience with optical measurements - Basic knowledge of laser-optical methods (PIV, LIF etc.) for flow diagnostics desirable - Experience in the use of analysis software (e.g. MATLAB) is desired. - Good written and spoken English - Ability to work independently as a scientist - Creativity, flexibility, team orientation Ihre Aufgaben - Application and further development of methods of optical flow diagnostics - Experimental work on different component test benches - Use of advanced optical measurement methods - Various possibilities for specialization (turbochargers, cylinder heads, air paths etc.) - Extension of the task area with 3D CFD simulations possible - Supervision and conduction of courses in English Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD students for "Research and Development in the Field of Combustion Systems with Optical Flow Diagnostics" (TME 130_241100)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil - University degree (Master or equivalent) in mechanical engineering with a focus on "combustion / thermodynamics", "fluid mechanics" or comparable. - Good knowledge of thermodynamics, combustion and internal combustion engines - Experience with optical measurements - Basic knowledge of laser optical methods (PIV, LIF etc.) for flow diagnostics desirable - Experience in the use of analysis software (e.g. MATLAB) is desired. - Good written and spoken English - Ability to work independently as a scientist - Creativity, flexibility, team orientation Ihre Aufgaben - Application and further development of methods of optical combustion and flow diagnostics - Experimental work on different test benches (flow test bench, single cylinder, high pressure chamber etc.) - Use of advanced optical measurement methods - Development of new measuring techniques - Development of new fields of application for established methods. - Extension of the task area with 3D CFD simulations possible - Supervision and conduction of courses in English Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 181_241100)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation beneficial Basic knowledge of electrolysers or fuel cells/systems Confident handling of MS Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint Fluent in German and English Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientated Ihre Aufgaben Design, construction and operation of an electrolyser test bench Experimental investigation of aging effects in real operation for hydrogen supply of the Melaten campus Development of transient operating strategies/control concepts Establishment of an online monitoring and data management system including cloud interface Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) In the field of battery and fuel cell system design and construction (TME 204_241200)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. Continued employment for up to 3 years is provided, with the possibility of a 4th year extension. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil - University degree (master or comparable) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering - Knowledge in CAD systems, preferably ProEngineer and CATIA, experience in the field of cast and plastic construction is advantageous - Basic knowledge of fuel cells and batteries is beneficial - Good computer skills - Fluent in English - Ability to work independently - Creative, flexible and team-oriented Ihre Aufgaben Mechanical Engineering with the specialization in process engineering / control engineering / construction technology (f/m/d) or Electrical Engineering with the specialization in power engineering / electrical systems (f/m/d)  - Development of fuel cells for a powertrain system, on-board power supply and a combined heat and power coupling system for the energy supply of buildings - Design and construction of battery modules and battery systems - Design and construction of fuel cell stacks and fuel cell systems (e.g. as a range extender to increase the range of electric vehicles) - Supplier Management  Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) - PhD position in the field of SOFC fuel cells/systems
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications, on-board power supply and a combined heat and power coupling system for the energy supply of buildings Investigation of fuel flexibility with natural gas and hydrogen with regard to: exhaust gas composition durability and lifetime Optimization of the operating strategy Potential assessment of the application of SOFC fuel cells for different applications (marine, aviation, etc.) Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 180_241100)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil Knowledge of modeling & simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica; experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation Basic knowledge of electrolysers or fuel cells/systems Confident handling of MS Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint Fluent in German and English Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientated Ihre Aufgaben Construction/extension of a modular electrolyser model as digital twin Simulative investigation of aging effects and comparison with real measured data Development of predictive operating strategies in combination with weather data and reports for direct coupling with regenerative power sources Development of new state diagnostics and regeneration functions Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD students for "Hybrid Powertrains" (TME 107_241100)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension for 2 years is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil At the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants. Ihr Profil - University degree (Master or equivalent) in mechanical or electrical engineering with concentration on control technology or comparable disciplines is preferred - Pronounced basic knowledge at the above-mentioned working priorities - Proficient computer and software skills (MS Office, Matlab/Simulink, INCA etc.) - Good English knowledge (written & spoken) - High degree of initiative, discipline and organizational skills - Ability to work scientifically and independently - Creativity, flexibility, team ability Ihre Aufgaben Mechanical or electrical engineer with the main focus on systems & control technology. - Set-up of simulation models for subsystems and the entire hybrid powertrain - Set-up and testing of controls and control algorithms on research carriers inclusively V2V and V2X infrastructure - Development of smart vehicle operation strategies with minimized energy demand - Supervision of component test benches - Supervision of engine test benches - X-in-the-loop activities (i.e. HiL, MiL, SiL) - Collaboration in the field of vehicle calibration Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) - PhD position Industrial Biochemical Engineering (AVT.BioVT)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of one year. An extension of two more years is planned. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a part-time contract position. The standard weekly hours will be 26,33 hours. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil The Chair of Biochemical Engineering (AVT.BioVT) led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jørgen Magnus is part of the closely connected network of the Aachen Chemical Engineering (AVT). We are one of the world's leading chairs in the development of new methods and techniques for innovative biotechnological production processes and cooperate at national and international level with universities and research institutions, as well as with renowned companies. Our core competence is focused on two specialist areas: industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology. AVT.BioVT belongs to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and at the same time has a second membership in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences. Hence, our motivated team is made up of highly interdisciplinary members from the fields of biotechnology, mechanical engineering, and process engineering. To qualify our scientific staff not only professionally but also personally, our tasks are characterized by diversity. Therefore, our employees work in the following fields during their employment: Research - Our research focus is on developing innovative biotechnological processes in the fields of industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology. Through efficient production processes, we aim to advance bioprocess engineering as an engineering science. Here we have two main priorities: In industrial biotechnology, we focus on the transition to a circular bioeconomy and the reduction of CO2 emissions. In pharmaceutical biotechnology, our focus is on developing novel production technologies for biologics in the areas of cell and gene therapy as well as protein therapeutics. To achieve these goals, we collaborate in application-oriented research projects with international partners from industry and science. We proceed in a cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral manner and use our measurement technology to significantly accelerate process development in biotechnology. Professional development - Through frequent participation in scientific conferences, we present the latest findings from our research and seek to exchange expertise in order to develop new ideas. We also motivate our scientific staff to participate in the educational courses of the RWTH Doctoral Academy and the RWTH Center for Professional Leadership. These courses provide individual support for interdisciplinary skills such as project management and presentation techniques. Teaching - We offer lectures, practical courses, and seminars on bioprocess development for the faculties of biotechnology, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering and process engineering. In addition, we supervise ambitious students in their project work and theses. In all our fields of activity, student assistants and research assistants form a close cooperating team to excite students about bioprocess engineering. Ihr Profil Completed university degree (Master's or equivalent) in the field of (bio)process engineering, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, or a related discipline You have strong expertise in biotechnology and/or (bio)process engineering and are eager to further develop your knowledge in this field. You are interested in interdisciplinary collaboration and have strong teamwork skills. You work independently and with determination. Fluency in English is a prerequisite. Fluency in German is desired. Contributions to research proposals are expected. Ihre Aufgaben Working in the team of industrial Biotechnology Working independently on one or more research projects Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses Publication of scientific papers in renowned journals Representation of the chair and the research projects at conferences Supporting the chair management in lectures Über uns RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) - Zuverlässige Entscheidungen durch (digital) rückführbare Messdaten Interoperable Sensor Services in der Produktion
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Arbeit vor Ort

Weitere Informationen Die Einstellung erfolgt im Beschäftigtenverhältnis. Die Stelle ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen und befristet auf 2 Jahre. Eine Verlängerung auf 5 Jahre ist vorgesehen und erwünscht. Die befristete Beschäftigung erfolgt im Rahmen der Befristungsmöglichkeiten des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes. Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle. Auf Wunsch kann eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung ermöglicht werden. Eine Promotionsmöglichkeit besteht. Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach dem TV-L. Die Stelle ist bewertet mit EG 13 TV-L. Unser Profil Die Etablierung einer nachhaltigen, umweltfreundlichen Produktion ist einer der Hauptmotivatoren unserer Forschung in der Gruppe „Interoperable Sensor Services“ am Lehrstuhl IQS Intelligence in Quality Sensing am WZL. In der digitalisierten Produktion kommt der Bereitstellung belastbarer und langfristig nutzbarer Mess- und Prozessdaten eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Erreichung dieses Ziels zu. Durch die Erforschung und Entwicklung von cyber-physikalischen Messsystemen zur Erfassung messtechnisch wie digital rückführbarer und damit vertrauenswürdiger (Sensor)daten in der Produktion leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu. Dabei erforschen wir, wie sich relevante Informationen durch Integration geeigneter Sensoren in Produktionsprozessen gewinnen lassen und wie diese Sensordaten in Verknüpfung mit weiteren Meta- und Prozessdaten bereitgestellt werden können. Diese vertrauenswürdigen Daten können zum einen unmittelbar durch andere Systeme verarbeitet werden, z.B. für eine Prozessregelung, als auch langfristig für die Daten-getriebene Prozessoptimierung oder die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Produkten und Prozessen (wieder‑)verwendet werden. Die Arbeit bei IQS erfolgt in einem großen interdisziplinären Team bestehend aus Ingenieur/innen, Naturwissenschaftler/innen und Psycholog/innen und ist eingebettet in ein großes Netzwerk bestehend aus renommierten Forschungsinstituten und produzierenden Unternehmen. Damit bieten wir ein Umfeld, das Kreativität, Innovation und Zusammenarbeit fördert und dir die Möglichkeit bietet, nicht nur fachliche Expertise aufzubauen, sondern auch als Persönlichkeit zu wachsen. Was du erwarten kannst: Arbeit in einem dynamischen Team, das sich gegenseitig unterstützt, Erfolge feiert, zusammen auf Reisen geht und die gemeinsame Arbeitsumgebung gestaltet Gestaltungsraum zur eigenständigen Umsetzung innovativer Ideen mittels einzigartiger technischer Ausstattung (HPC, Werkzeugmaschinen, Motion Capture Systeme, (Mobile) Robotik, 5G) International sichtbare wissenschaftliche Arbeit Gelegenheit zur Promotion an der RWTH Aachen, einer der renommiertesten und größten technischen Hochschulen im Bereich der Produktionstechnik in Deutschland Auf dein Profil zugeschnittene Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und Aufbau eines beruflichen Netzwerks Ihr Profil Du begeisterst dich für neue Technologien und hast Freude an kreativer, interdisziplinärer Arbeit in einem dynamischen Team. Zudem zeichnest du dich durch eine selbständige, strukturierte, qualitäts- und Lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise mit Hands-On Mentalität aus. Du bist neugierig und bereit, dich in mehrere, anwendungsrelevante Themenfelder einzuarbeiten und sie gewinnbringend zu kombinieren. Wenn du außerdem durch deine anwendungsorientierte Forschung einen Beitrag zu einer wettbewerbsfähigen und nachhaltigeren Produktionstechnik leisten möchtest, freuen wir uns über deine Bewerbung. Voraussetzung für deinen Einstieg ist ein sehr gut abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Master oder vergleichbar) im ingenieur- oder naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Folgende Aspekte runden dein Profil ab: Interesse an den Themengebieten Messtechnik, Sensorik, und Informatik Idealerweise erste Vorkenntnisse in den Bereichen Messtechnik und empirischer Versuchsdurchführung Spaß an der technischen Umsetzung von Forschungsergebnissen an industrienahen Demonstratoren im Laborbereich Professionelle, souveräne Kommunikation in Wort und Schrift in Deutsch und Englisch Gründliche Arbeitsweise, Zuverlässigkeit und Durchhaltevermögen Du möchtest dich mit einer Promotion auf den nächsten Karriereschritt vorbereiten? Wenn du die formalen Voraussetzungen erfüllst und einige der gelisteten Kompetenzen aufweist oder Interesse daran hast, dir diese anzueignen, freuen wir uns über deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse per Mail an die aufgeführten Ansprechpersonen). Der Bewerbungsprozess besteht aus einem ersten Videointerview und einem weiteren ausführlicherem Termin vor Ort. Ihre Aufgaben Dein Arbeitsalltag besteht aus einem vielfältigen und abwechslungsreichen Aufgabenportfolio. Zu den Tätigkeiten als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in gehören: Bearbeitung und Leitung von nationalen und internationalen öffentlich geförderten Projekten im Bereich Interoperable Sensor Services Mitarbeit in Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten mit Industriebeteiligung Integration von Forschungsergebnissen in unserem industrienahen Laborbereich Betreuung von studentischen Abschlussarbeiten und Führung eines Teams aus studentischen Hilfskräften Betreuung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Sensing & Robotics Dokumentation, Aufbereitung und Verbreitung von wissenschaftlichen Kenntnissen in Form von Berichten, Papern und Vorträgen Repräsentation des Teams und der Forschungsergebnisse in Veröffentlichungen und auf Kongressen/Fachtagungen   Zwei Projektbeispiele aus der Gruppe Interoperable Sensor Services: Cluster of Excellence – Internet of Production (DFG) Entwicklung cyber-physikalischer Messsysteme mit interoperablen Datenschnittstellen Entwicklung einer Domänen-spezifischen Programmiersprache für das aufwandsreduzierte Deployment von Messsystemen Etablierung FAIRer Datenstandards für das Datenmanagement in der industriellen Produktion   DynaMITE – Dynamic applications of Metrology in Industry of Tomorrow Environments (EU) Echtzeit-Synchronisation von Messsystemen mit moderner Netzwerktechnologie (PTP und gPTP) Untersuchung der Messunsicherheit zeitlich schwach synchronisierter Messsysteme Entwurf einer Netzwerktopologie für die hochgenaue Zeitsynchronisation im industriellen Kontext Über uns Die RWTH ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Die RWTH bietet im Rahmen eines Universitären Gesundheitsmanagements eine Vielzahl von Gesundheits-, Beratungs- und Präventionsangeboten (z. B. Hochschulsport) an. Für Tarifbeschäftigte und Beamtinnen und Beamte besteht ein umfangreiches Weiterbildungsangebot und die Möglichkeit, ein Jobticket zu erwerben. Die Stellenausschreibung richtet sich an alle Geschlechter. Wir wollen an der RWTH Aachen University besonders die Karrieren von Frauen fördern und freuen uns daher über Bewerberinnen. Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern sie in der Organisationseinheit unterrepräsentiert sind und sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Bewerbungen geeigneter schwerbehinderter Menschen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Im Sinne der Gleichbehandlung bitten wir Sie, auf ein Bewerbungsfoto zu verzichten. Informationen zur Erhebung personenbezogener Daten nach Artikeln 13 und 14 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) finden Sie unter https://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung. Besoldung / Entgelt EG 13 TV-L

Arbeit vor Ort