15 Jobs als Application Engineer (m/w/d) in Nordrhein-Westfalen

IT Application Managerin / IT Application Manager (w/m/d) für Bauprojektmanagement-Software
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Die Zentrale des Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetriebes des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen (BLB NRW) sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n IT Application Managerin / IT Application Manager (w/m/d) für Bauprojektmanagement-Software Der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW ist Eigentümer und Vermieter fast aller Immobilien des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Mit rund 4.000 Gebäuden, einer Mietfläche von etwa 10,3 Millionen Quadratmetern und jährlichen Mieterlösen von rund 1,5 Milliarden Euro bewirtschaften wir eines der größten und anspruchsvollsten Immobilienportfolios Europas. Wir entwickeln, planen, bauen und modernisieren technisch und architektonisch hoch komplexe Immobilien für Hochschulen, Justiz und Landesverwaltung – auch im Auftrag des Bundes. Der BLB NRW nimmt beim Bau und Betrieb von Gebäuden landesweit eine Vorbildfunktion bei Maßnahmen zur CO2-Reduktion ein. Damit arbeitet er aktiv am Ziel der bilanziell Klimaneutralen Landesverwaltung bis 2030 mit. Wirken Sie mit! Gestalten auch Sie mit uns zusammen das klimaneutrale Immobilienportfolio des Landes NRW! Mehr als 2.800 Beschäftigte arbeiten in der Zentrale in Düsseldorf und den sieben Niederlassungen. Mehr Informationen über den BLB NRW und die jeweiligen Standorte finden Sie auf unserer Internetseite http://www.blb.nrw.de/.   Ihre Vorteile - Darauf können Sie sich freuen! Flexibilität: Bei uns können Sie flexibel zwischen 06:00 - 20:00 Uhr arbeiten, ohne feste Kernarbeitszeit und mit einem Gleitzeitkonto. Home-Office / Mobiles Arbeiten: Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit bis zu 60 % pro Woche mobil aus ganz Deutschland zu arbeiten. Sicherheit: Sie profitieren von einem unbefristeten und langfristig sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit attraktiven Rahmenbedingungen. Onboarding: Sie starten ab dem ersten Tag mit einem individuellen Einarbeitungsplan und einem persönlichen Mentoring. Weiterbildung und Karriere: Zur persönlichen und fachlichen Weiterentwicklung unterstützen wir Sie über unsere interne Weiterbildungsakademie mit zielgerichteten Trainings und gestalten mit Ihnen individuell Ihren Karriereplan. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge: Wir sorgen für Ihre Zukunft. Mit unserer betrieblichen Altersvorsorge VBL sichern Sie sich eine Basisversicherung für eine lebenslange Betriebsrente. Nachhaltigkeit: Wir nehmen beim Bau und Betrieb von Gebäuden landesweit eine Vorbildfunktion bei Maßnahmen zur CO2-Reduktion ein. Gestalten auch Sie mit uns zusammen das klimaneutrale Immobilienportfolio des Landes NRW   Ihre Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten Sie unterstützen bei der Einführung einer neuen Software zur Verwaltung von Bauprojekten (Bauprojektmanagement-Software) Sie gewährleisten den optimalen und effizienten IT-Betrieb der Software in enger Zusammenarbeit mit externen IT-Dienstleistern Sie erarbeiten Konzepte für die Übernahme von Daten, Dokumenten, CAD-Zeichnungen und BIM-Modellen aus der Bauprojektmanagement-Software in die internen Systeme des BLB NRW Sie erfassen und bewerten neue Anforderungen an das System und koordinieren deren Umsetzung Sie leisten 2nd / 3rd -Level Support, koordinieren bei Störungsbeseitigungen, testen Updates und unterstützen beim Rollout von Änderungen und Updates   Ihr Profil Sie verfügen über ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Diplom/Bachelor/Master) der Fachrichtung Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Ingenieurwesen oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung Sie konnten bereits mindestens zwei Jahre praktische Berufserfahrung in der Systemverantwortung für komplexe IT-Systeme sammeln Sie haben praktische Erfahrungen hinsichtlich Datenübernahmen und der Arbeit mit Schnittstellen Kenntnisse von DMS, CAD, BIM oder CAFM-Systemen sind von Vorteil Sie überzeugen durch Ihre analytischen und kommunikativen Fähigkeiten Die gängigen MS-Office-Produkte, insbesondere Excel beherrschen Sie sicher Ihr Profil wird abgerundet durch sichere Deutschkenntnisse, welche mindestens dem C1 Niveau (fließend in Wort und Schrift) entsprechen   Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung über unsere Karriereseite bis zum 22.08.2024. Bewerbungen per E-Mail oder Post können leider nicht berücksichtigt werden.   Ihr Entgelt  Je nach persönlichen und betrieblichen Voraussetzungen ist für Tarifbeschäftigte ein Entgelt von der Entgeltgruppe E10  bis zur E13​ TV-L (ca. 44.900,00 € - ca. 75.200,00 € jährlich) mit allen vereinbarten sozialen Leistungen (z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge) möglich. Eine statusgleiche Übernahme von beamteten Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern ist bis zu einem Amt der Besoldungsgruppe A 12 LBesO A möglich.    Was uns ausmacht ... Wir wünschen uns Menschen mit Leidenschaft und Persönlichkeit, die bei außergewöhnlichen Projekten mitwirken wollen. Der BLB NRW fördert aktiv die Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeitenden und begrüßt deshalb Bewerbungen von Menschen, unabhängig von deren kultureller und sozialer Herkunft, Alter, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung (§ 2 SGB IX) oder sexueller Identität. Wir begrüßen Bewerbungen von schwerbehinderten und ihnen gleichgestellten Menschen und werden sie bei gleicher Eignung und vorbehaltlich gesetzlicher Regelungen bevorzugt berücksichtigen. Wir freuen uns zudem insbesondere über Bewerbungen von Frauen und bevorzugen diese nach Maßgabe des Landesgleichstellungsgesetzes. Die Stelle ist grundsätzlich auch in Teilzeit besetzbar. Wir leben eine Unternehmenskultur der Offenheit, Diversität und Wertschätzung und schaffen so ein Umfeld, in dem sich das persönliche Potenzial bestmöglich entfalten kann.    Fachliche/r Ansprechpartner/in: Dr. Martin Keller, +49 211 61700 290 Recruiter/in: Dennis Loosen, +49 211 61700 533

Six PhD positions in quantum physics CRC 183 (theory) (f/m/x) CRC 183 | Entangled States of Matter
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Six PhD positions in quantum physics CRC 183 (theory) (f/m/x) CRC 183 | Entangled States of Matter We are one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe and one of the most important employers in our region. Our broad range of subjects, the dynamic development of our main research areas and our central location in Cologne make us attractive for students and researchers from around the world. We offer a wide range of career opportunities in science, technology, and administration. The collaborative research center “Entangled States of Matter” (CRC183) exploits the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics to engineer condensed matter systems that materialize entanglement in a tangible manner. The following three concepts define our research: (i) Topological quantum matter, (ii) Quantum information, (iii) Quantum device. Our CRC runs as a joint venture of the Center of Quantum Devices in Copenhagen, the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems at FU Berlin, the Cologne Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Condensed Matter Department of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. More information can be found here: https://www.crc183.uni-koeln.de/ There are 6 open PhD positions within CRC 183: Monitored quantum circuits (Trebst) Chaotic transmons (Trebst) Entanglement & Fractionalization via Tensor Networks (Rizzi) Interplay between quantum gravity, quantum information and entanglement (Bagrets) Quantum circuits, monitored and adaptive quantum dynamics, quantum complexity of many-body systems (Turkeshi) Non-equilibrium quantum matter (Diehl) YOUR TASKS Explore quantum matter at the forefront of research in condensed matter physics Develop and apply techniques of theoretical or computational physics Present and disseminate research results in scientific conferences and publications YOUR PROFILE Excellent academic record M.Sc. degree in physics or a related discipline Knowledge of relevant theoretical methods Research experience relevant for the thesis project Excellent command of English High motivation, commitment, good communication skills and team spirit are an asset WE OFFER An exciting research project at the cutting edge of research on quantum matter Work in an international collaborative team A diverse working environment with equal opportunities Support in balancing work and family life Flexible working time models Extensive advanced training opportunities Occupational health management offers   The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity. Women will be considered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from all suitable candidates regardless of their gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity. The position is available as soon as possible on a part-time basis (50% in the first year, 75% afterwards). The contracts are initially limited to three years. If the applicant meets the relevant wage requirements and personal qualifications, the salary is based on remuneration group 13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector. Please apply online (specifying the position(s)) with proof of the required qualifications, including a transcript of records, without a photo under: https://jobportal.uni-koeln.de. The reference number is Wiss2407-01. The application deadline is 31 July 2024. For further inquiries, please contact Sophie Hinzmann (crc183-admin@uni-koeln.de)

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD students for "Research and Development in the Field of Optical Flow Diagnostics" (TME 129_240500)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension up to 4 years is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil- University degree (Master or equivalent) in mechanical engineering or physics with a focus on "thermodynamics", "fluid mechanics", "optics" or equivalent - Good knowledge of fluid mechanics - Experience with optical measurements - Basic knowledge of laser-optical methods (PIV, LIF etc.) for flow diagnostics desirable - Experience in the use of analysis software (e.g. MATLAB) is desired. - Good written and spoken English - Ability to work independently as a scientist - Creativity, flexibility, team orientationIhre Aufgaben- Application and further development of methods of optical flow diagnostics - Experimental work on different component test benches - Use of advanced optical measurement methods - Various possibilities for specialization (turbochargers, cylinder heads, air paths etc.) - Extension of the task area with 3D CFD simulations possible - Supervision and conduction of courses in EnglishÜber unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

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Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD students for "Research and Development in the Field of Combustion Systems with Optical Flow Diagnostics" (TME 130_240500)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil- University degree (Master or comparable) in mechanical engineering with a focus on "combustion / thermodynamics", "fluid mechanics" or comparable. - Good knowledge of thermodynamics, combustion and internal combustion engines - Experience with optical measurements - Basic knowledge of laser optical methods (PIV, LIF etc.) for flow diagnostics desirable - Experience in the use of analysis software (e.g. MATLAB) is desired. - Good written and spoken English - Ability to work independently as a scientist - Creativity, flexibility, team orientationIhre Aufgaben- Application and further development of methods of optical combustion and flow diagnostics - Experimental work on different test benches (flow test bench, single cylinder, high pressure chamber etc.) - Use of advanced optical measurement methods - Development of new measuring techniques - Development of new fields of application for established methods. - Extension of the task area with 3D CFD simulations possible - Supervision and conduction of courses in EnglishÜber unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 178_240300)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of one year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications Experimental investigation of aging effects on the single cell and stack test bench. Analysis of aging data using AI and Big Data approaches Development of aging models for lifetime prediction and for model predictive control Über unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) - In the field of battery and fuel cell system design and construction
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. Continued employment for up to 3 years is provided, with the possibility of a 4th year extension. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil- University degree (Master or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering - Knowledge in CAD systems, preferably ProEngineer and CATIA, experience in the field of cast and plastic construction is advantageous - Basic knowledge of fuel cells and batteries is beneficial - Good computer skills - Fluent in English - Ability to work independently - Creative, flexible and team-orientedIhre Aufgaben- PhD position in the field of electromobility / fuel cells / batteries - Development of fuel cells for a powertrain system, on-board power supply and a combined heat and power coupling system for the energy supply of buildings - Design and construction of battery modules and battery systems - Design and construction of fuel cell stacks and fuel cell systems (e.g. as a range extender to increase the range of electric vehicles) - Supplier Management Über unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Research Assistant/Associate - PhD students (f/m/d) for "Hybrid Powertrains"
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension for 2 years is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil- University degree (Master or equivalent) in mechanical or electrical engineering with concentration on control technology or comparable disciplines - Pronounced basic knowledge at the above-mentioned working priorities - Proficient computer and software skills (MS Office, Matlab/Simulink, INCA etc.) - Good English knowledge (written & spoken) - High degree of initiative, discipline and organizational skills - Ability to work scientifically and independently - Creativity, flexibility, team abilityIhre AufgabenMechanical or electrical engineer with the main focus on systems & control technology. - Set-up of simulation models for subsystems and the entire hybrid powertrain - Set-up and testing of controls and control algorithms on research carriers inclusively V2V and V2X infrastructure - Development of smart vehicle operation strategies with minimized energy demand - Supervision of component test benches - Supervision of engine test benches - X-in-the-loop activities (i.e. HiL, MiL, SiL) - Collaboration in the field of vehicle calibration Über unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 177_240300)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications Modeling and (3D CFD) simulation, especially of: Flow fields and gas distribution. Optimization of the bipolar plate Water transport phenomena within the fuel cell and the membrane electrode assembly Ice formation during cold start Validation of simulation at the single cell and stack test bench. Über unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) PhD position in the field of SOFC fuel cells/systems (TME-No.: 176_240300)
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Weitere InformationenThe successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 1 year. An extension to 4 years in total is provided. The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts). This is a full-time position. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position. The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L). The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.Unser ProfilAt the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) and the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. (USA) Stefan Pischinger, research on all topics concerning the vehicle powertrain is conducted. Core focus is still the research on conventional combustion engine development like the implementation of innovative engine designs, fundamental research on more efficient combustion processes also in combination with alternative fuels or the improvement of the engine mechanics and aftertreatment systems. Additional research areas include virtual engine development, hybrid powertrains, electromobility as well as fuel cells and mechatronics for combustion engines. At any time research is closely associated with the ongoing development of intelligent methods for test procedures and engine calibration. The Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems employs more than 260 scientific, technical and administrative employees as well as student assistants.Ihr Profil University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Knowledge of modeling/simulation of fuel cell (systems), preferably in Matlab/Simulink or Modelica, experience in measurement data evaluation and test bench operation advantageous Basic knowledge of PEM fuel cells/systems and electric powertrains advantageous Good computer skills Fluent in english Ability to work independently and scientifically Creative, flexible and team-orientation Ihre Aufgaben Development of fuel cell systems for mobile applications, on-board power supply and a combined heat and power coupling system for the energy supply of buildings Investigation of fuel flexibility with natural gas and hydrogen with regard to: exhaust gas composition durability and lifetime Optimization of the operating strategy Potential assessment of the application of SOFC fuel cells for different applications (marine, aviation, etc.) Über unsRWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket. RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason. As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application. You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.Besoldung / EntgeltEG 13 TV-L

Sales Manager / Mitarbeiter im technischen Vertrieb (w/m/d), z.B. Ingenieur, Techniker (w/m/d)
Metaq GmbH

Wir sind Lösungsanbieter für Präzisionsteile aus Metall. Nach Kundenvorgaben realisieren wir Prototypen und Serienprodukte – von der Platine bis zum fertigen Biegeteil – mit höchster Genauigkeit. Hierfür setzen wir verschiedene Verfahren ein: fotochemisches Ätzen und Laserschneiden. Grundlage für die zu fertigenden Präzisionsteile sind Daten, die verfahrensspezifisch digitalisiert werden. Diese Soft-Tools bieten den Vorteil, dass sie schnell erstellt und problemlos geändert werden können. Unser Leistungsspektrum reicht von der Metallfolie ab 0,01 mm Stärke bis hin zu Materialien von 5 mm Stärke. Nach dem Schneid- oder Ätzprozess können die Teile auf Wunsch gebogen, beschichtet, poliert und beschriftet werden. Wir bieten das an, was unsere Kunden benötigen. Seit über 50 Jahren vertrauen führende Technologieunternehmen auf unsere Expertise, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Das Metaq-Team zählt rund 45 Mitarbeiter*innen. Wir schätzen Engagement, Eigenverantwortung und kundenorientiertes Denken. Jede und jeder kann sich mit ihren/seinen individuellen Fähigkeiten einbringen und wer beruflich „über den eigenen Tellerrand hinausschauen möchte“, findet hier die passenden Möglichkeiten. Um mit den Marktanforderungen Schritt zu halten, lernen wir täglich dazu und befinden uns in permanenter Veränderung mit dem Ziel, die Entwicklungschancen heute und in der Zukunft zu nutzen. Über Kollegen und Kolleginnen, die diesen spannenden Weg mit uns gemeinsam gehen möchten, freuen wir uns. Zur Unterstützung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Mitarbeiter für den technischen Vertrieb (m/w/d).